📢2021 SPARK Translational Medicine Symposium
2021-10-15• 招生
📌2021 SPARK Translational Medicine Symposium
📌研討會時間: 2021/10/25 9:00 - 13:00(Taiwan Time)
📌研討會形式: 線上
SPARK Taiwan Office擬於10月25日辦理線上研討會,今年透過SPARK Global我們請到多位致力於疫苗及藥品開發領域的業界專家,與會者可以了解SPARK Global及其對於COVID-19所做的努力,一窺市面上唯一鼻噴劑型流感四價疫苗FluMist的研發過程,並且了解mRNA疫苗先驅Moderna目前著手於呼吸道病毒疫苗的最新進展;下半場還會有SPARK Stanford團隊一路成為上市公司Eidos Therapeutics的成長故事,外加曾帶領Biogen全球臨床試驗的業師剖析licensing out的挑戰與技巧。期待國內各方產學研界夥伴們一同參與此盛會!
📢報名網址: https://survey.stpi.narl.org.tw/s/r1GL0
In the 2021 SPARK Translational Symposium, SPARK Taiwan invites leading industry experts through SPARK Global on vaccines and drugs developments. The contents include SPARK Global and its effort to COVID-19 from Dr. Daria Mochly-Rosen, the development process of FluMist which is the only nasal spray influenza quadrivalent vaccine on the market by Dr. Mark Backer, and mRNA vaccine pioneer Moderna on the latest respiratory virus vaccines from Dr; Herbert Chiou; in the second half, there will be the success story of Dr. Isabella Graef of Eidos Therapeutics leading her SPARK Stanford team from the academic to have a major product, and also licensing out strategy by Dr. Lyn Frumkin, who has led Biogen's global clinical trials. We look forward to all partners in the industry, academia, and research circles participating in this grand event!
2021/10/24 18:00 - 22:00(PDT);
2021/10/24 21:00 - 2021/10/25 01:00 (EDT)
Venue: Online
** The video URL will be notified by email 3 days before the symposium.
📌研討會時間: 2021/10/25 9:00 - 13:00(Taiwan Time)
📌研討會形式: 線上
SPARK Taiwan Office擬於10月25日辦理線上研討會,今年透過SPARK Global我們請到多位致力於疫苗及藥品開發領域的業界專家,與會者可以了解SPARK Global及其對於COVID-19所做的努力,一窺市面上唯一鼻噴劑型流感四價疫苗FluMist的研發過程,並且了解mRNA疫苗先驅Moderna目前著手於呼吸道病毒疫苗的最新進展;下半場還會有SPARK Stanford團隊一路成為上市公司Eidos Therapeutics的成長故事,外加曾帶領Biogen全球臨床試驗的業師剖析licensing out的挑戰與技巧。期待國內各方產學研界夥伴們一同參與此盛會!
📢報名網址: https://survey.stpi.narl.org.tw/s/r1GL0
In the 2021 SPARK Translational Symposium, SPARK Taiwan invites leading industry experts through SPARK Global on vaccines and drugs developments. The contents include SPARK Global and its effort to COVID-19 from Dr. Daria Mochly-Rosen, the development process of FluMist which is the only nasal spray influenza quadrivalent vaccine on the market by Dr. Mark Backer, and mRNA vaccine pioneer Moderna on the latest respiratory virus vaccines from Dr; Herbert Chiou; in the second half, there will be the success story of Dr. Isabella Graef of Eidos Therapeutics leading her SPARK Stanford team from the academic to have a major product, and also licensing out strategy by Dr. Lyn Frumkin, who has led Biogen's global clinical trials. We look forward to all partners in the industry, academia, and research circles participating in this grand event!
2021/10/24 18:00 - 22:00(PDT);
2021/10/24 21:00 - 2021/10/25 01:00 (EDT)
Venue: Online
** The video URL will be notified by email 3 days before the symposium.